We offer immediate, unbiased and professional couples therapy and individual counseling for any challenge you may be facing in your relationship or other life circumstance.
We have been a comforting resource and reliable guide for struggling couples and individuals, many of whom have felt stuck, frustrated, alone and upset.
We offer a 100% success rate for clients who bring goodwill and commitment to the process.
Our unique approach offers remarkably efficient and thorough results.
We look forward to working with you.
Having a great relationship is as much "an art" as it is a science. Like any other serious endeavor, one can acquire the understanding and know how to master the art of "being a couple."
While many people assume that relationships should happen naturally, things do work better when you have a roadmap to the future and a vision of how your relationship is going to work. We can help you co-create the relationship of your dreams.
It is also normal to face challenges that seem insurmountable from time to time.
We can teach you how to resolve any issue that arises so that you can protect and enjoy your life together.
Don’t be scared of the what ifs; you can do it!
We offer counselling for pre-marital and committed relationships in the GTA and provide professional and caring assistance.
Get support today!
We understand that taking the first step towards addressing your relationship concerns is not always easy.
We are here to make it as comfortable as possible for you to get back on track.
We would like to invite you to work with us at our private and comfortable office. My service is also covered by most work health insurance plans.
We provide caring, non-judgmental relationship help that safeguards your personal dignity, addresses and corrects the root of the problem and empowers you to build a conflict-free relationship you can feel proud of.
Call us today to get started on a new direction.
Our professional assistance provides confidential help with the following:
Dealing With Anxiety and Emotions
Feeling stressed, anxious, irritable or down for an extended period of time can become a heavy burden. These states, left unattended, can lead to unwanted results such as excessive worry, trouble sleeping, low energy, decreased motivation, and other problems at work and at home.
Anger Management
Anger is a natural response to feelings of violation. We all have different ways of dealing with injustices and undeserved painful experiences. Sometimes our old ways of coping further exacerbate the problem. Whether it is fiery anger outbursts or walled off silent scorn, these can add unwanted complications at home and at work.
Life Transition
Significant loss, such as separation or divorce, job termination or the passing of a loved one, marks a time of transition in life.
When this happens, you may experience a range of emotions, such as shock, sadness, anger and maybe even uncertainty about what the future will bring.
The physical loss does not necessarily mean that the attachment vanishes. Taking time to grieve and make personal meaning of the loss can be an important part of the healing process.
Personal Growth
Even if you are not currently experiencing unmanageable stress, we can show you how to strengthen relationships, define and achieve your goals or just make a good life even better.